We waited all summer for our garden to yield some veggies and when it did, whoa did it ever! We have tons of tomatoes ripening up. My husband and I really wanted to try to make salsa with our garden vegetables but we just had tomatoes and a few small peppers so we had to buy the other ingredients but we still consider it homemade and mostly homegrown. I’m picky when it comes to salsa - I wanted to make sure ours was chunky enough and had a little kick to it. The recipe we used I found here and we really liked it, we used it as a base for some salsa experimentation. Not everyone likes their salsa spicy so we divided up the end product right before simmering and added some spicier peppers to one batch. It didn’t turn out too spicy. For our second batch, we threw in some chopped mango and 2 little habanero peppers. It was good, but still not very spicy. Then my coworker Sarah gave me a ghost pepper for our third batch (I told you, we have a lot of tomatoes!), and I think that, along with a few more jalapenos (seeds and all) gave us the best batch of all!

If you have made homemade salsa in the past please share your advice on regulating the heat levels. What are your favorite peppers to use? And if you’ve never made salsa before but want to try it - what are you waiting for? My husband and I had no experience with canning and it was easier than I imagined, try it! Happy canning!
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