If I go out to eat I try to keep the calories and cost down to a minimum, but I love me some appetizers. One of my favorite apps to order is nachos. I love how restaurants pile all sorts of things on top of tortilla chips: cheese, meat, jalapenos, beans, more cheese, salsa, lettuce, olives, more cheese…do you get the picture?
Yeah, not that healthy of a dish. Still nice to enjoy every once in a while. However, I still like the format of piling tons of ingredients on top of a plate and calling it a dish- there is minimal culinary skill needed. That’s something this undomesticated diva can get behind. I found a list of unique “nacho” recipes from Greatist.com and just had to share some of their ideas. These would be great ideas for game day. Here are a few of my favorites:

Greek Goddess Pita Chip Nachos- My husband is pretty open to trying new recipes so while this may be a tough sell I’m going to try it anyway.
Apple Nachos – the name just makes you curious, doesn’t it? And it’s apple season!
Desert Nachos- “Desert” and “nachos”= my two favorite words ever.
If you have any healthier versions of nachos, please share. And if you try any of the recipes above let me know how it went, I’d love to hear which one you tried.