We had a quarantine already for my oldest son, so he, along with his brother, were home with yours truly for 14 days in a row. Some days were better than others, but I really tried to enjoy the time with the kids, and when they had quiet time or naps, I did too!
Here are some of the activities we did to pass the time:
Baking and cooking
Although my 4 year old’s favorite recipe to make by himself is something he calls “strawberry milk” (water, milk, strawberry yogurt- everything he can grab on his own) I prefer to make something more, um, edible. We made mini-pizzas, muffins, banana bread, baked apples, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which we then made into dog bones with cookie cutters. For some more ideas for what to do with kids in the kitchen, here is a list.
Decorating for Halloween
I’m not sure what Halloween is going to look like this year but thought that at least our house could look spooky. I made a wreath, the boys made spiders and painted pumpkins. If you are crafty, or just looking for something to entertain the kids, check out these ideas.
For exercise, they love the Cosmic Yoga videos still but I’ve been pushing more of the dance videos as an attempt to tire them out!
Bobbing for apples
Ok, this was not my idea, this came from Grandma’s brain. It was so much fun for the boys, they asked to do it several times and clean up was really just mopping up water. Easy.
Stay healthy, stay active, try to enjoy the beautiful weather!