8 Fun Outdoor Summer Activities

by Joanna

Do your kids ever sit in front of the television during summer break and say “I’m bored, there’s nothing to do”?  Here are eight great summer activities that the whole family can enjoy!

  1. Go for a ride.  Grab your bike and find a trail or ride through your neighborhood.  The Wisconsin Department of Tourism has a website with a biking guide that includes trails.  Don’t forget to wear your helmet!

  2. Take a hike.  The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has a great website that lists 103 great hiking trails!  Even if you can’t make it to the trails hit the sidewalk.  Bring along headphones to keep you going with music or an audio book.

  3. Grab the trowel.  Now’s the time to start the flower or vegetable garden you’ve always wanted.  Gardening can burn about 350 calories an hour for a 170 lbs. person.  Try planting vegetables to add an educational aspect for kids and put something healthy on the dinner table!

  4. Break out the racket.  Call a friend, get your rackets and head to a public tennis court.  After a few minutes chasing down that fuzzy ball, your heart will start pumping!

  5. Get rolling!  Have a pair of inline skates?  Dust them off and put them on (along with a few pads and a helmet).  Find a bike trail that allows inline skating - there are even inline skating marathons

  6. Ditch the cart.  While golfing, walk the course instead of taking a cart.  Not only will it allow you to save up some money for another round of golf, but it will be good for your health, too!

  7. Take a dip.  Head to the local pool or lake - swimming is great exercise.  Besides swimming, try bringing a ball to toss around with another person.  It will keep you moving and if you’re partner’s aim is off, hustling to catch the ball can be hard work since the water is providing resistance!

  8. Head to an orchard.  Find an apple orchard or some other kind of farm to pick your own fruits or vegetables.  It’s fun, educational, and provides for a good workout.  A basket of apples gets heavy pretty quick!  Just make sure to practice good lifting techniques.

My favorite is the going to an orchard.  I’ve been apple, blueberry, boysenberry and strawberry picking.  It’s fun – you should try it!


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