What are S.M.A.R.T. Goals

by The Cooperative
People establish goals on a regular basis, such as saving money for a new car, eating more vegetables, and finishing a work spreadsheet by Thursday. Some are general, while others require more planning. Goals are created as New Year’s resolutions when the new year arrives. They tend to focus primarily on health and wellness topics, such as weight loss, exercise, or stress management.
One form of goal setting follows the acronym S.M.A.R.T. - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. S.M.A.R.T. goals encourage you to visualize your plan and develop tangible steps to achieve them. They act as personal motivators to keep you laser-focused and ready to embrace change.
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting
In 2023, try setting a S.M.A.R.T. goal to skyrocket your success! Before you begin, let’s dive into the details of S.M.A.R.T. goal setting:

S – Specific: Concrete goals should be thorough and structured. If you are uncertain of your goal, the following questions can be utilized to create an outline:
  1. Who - Who is the key player in achieving your goal? Is it you or an entire support system?
  2. What - What are you aiming to accomplish?
  3. Where - Where do you need to be for success? Is there a specific location involved in reaching your goal?
  4. Which - Which resources do you have at your fingertips? Are you experiencing any barriers?
  5. Why - Why is this goal significant to you?
Generic Goal: Start an exercise regimen.  
Specific Goal: Attend 30-minute cycling classes at the gym. 

 – Measurable: Goals should be treated as a measuring stick of your success. The key is to use numbers to monitor your progress. Attaching a number to your goal will allow you to plan more efficiently and pinpoint areas of improvement. For instance, journals or apps are beneficial to uncovering unhealthy patterns that could sabotage your journey.
Measurable Goal: Attend 30-minute cycling classes at the gym three days per week

– Attainable: Always ask yourself, “does this goal fit into my lifestyle?” Pursuing a goal should present a challenge, but it should also be obtainable. Using the exercise example, attending cycling classes may be difficult if you live in an area with no class offerings. In such cases, adjusting your goal to reflect your time and resources is appropriate.
Attainable Goal: Attend 30-minute cycling classes at the gym three days per week. (My gym is offering discounted classes in the evening when my schedule is open). 

 – Relevant: Create a goal that is tied to your personal beliefs and values, and it should light a fire within you, not dampen your spirits. If a goal does not resonate with you from the start, you may lose ambition quickly. For instance, if the idea of cycling makes you cringe, choose a form of exercise that prompts excitement.
Relevant Goal: Attend 30-minute cycling classes at the gym three days per week. (My gym is offering discounted classes in the evening when my schedule is open. I want to lose 10 lbs, so I feel more confident).

 – Time-bound: Your goal should have a realistic target date. This is especially imperative if you have multiple goals that you’re pursuing. Establishing a deadline can inhibit procrastination and make your goals more manageable. Remember to read your body’s cues to prevent burnout!
S.M.A.R.T. Goal: Attend 30-minute cycling classes at the gym three days per week for six months. (My gym is offering discounted classes in the evening when my schedule is open. I want to lose 10 lbs, so I feel more confident). 
Additional Examples of S.M.A.R.T. Goals
  1. I will eliminate my processed sugar intake for three months by reading labels and keeping sweets out of the house.
  2. I will increase my water intake to 64 ounces every day by setting a reminder on my phone for the next six weeks.
  3. I will lose 20 lbs by walking two miles per day and replacing soda with infused water for the next six months.  
No matter the goal, you will ensure success through preparation, confidence, and support. Remember to give yourself grace and delight in the little achievements. Happy New Year!
By, Coach Kaleigh

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