Wedding Weight Loss

by Joanna

As the wedding season rolls around the corner, many brides are becoming desperate to lose weight to fit into their dress and look their best on the big day. How are they doing it? In over the top, crazy ways, I’m finding out! The latest diet I’ve heard of is the K-E diet, in which you are supposed to lose 20 pounds in 10 days. Wow! Where do I sign up?? Let’s see… all I have to do is… instead of eating, insert a feeding tube up my nose that goes into my stomach, wear it day and night for 10 days while it dispenses a mixture of protein and fat mixed with water (only 800 calories) and hope that the side effects of horrible breath and constipation don’t bother me too much.


The woman in the
article I read said that it was emotionally difficult. People were asking her if she was sick when they saw the feeding tube. She mentioned that she was really tired, too. Well duh, she was only eating 800 calories! Calories are what provide you with energy.

Did I mention that the doctor that is administering this diet charges $1500 for the 10 days?

Truthfully, and I’ll be candid here, this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of!Everyone is looking for short cuts and quick fixes. The sensible way to lose weight is to eat less and move more. I have many people tell me that they don’t eat a lot and they DO exercise but they aren’t losing any weight. If this is the case, we take a deeper look into what they are doing exactly for their dietary habits and exercise.I have them log ( is a great resource) their food and exercise and to their surprise, they are eating more calories than they were guestimating and not burning enough through exercise. So as much as they thought they were cutting back and burning, it wasn’t enough to lighten the scale.

There is no need for crazy diets. Slow and steady wins the race. It’s about consistency and persistence!
What other crazy diets have you heard brides try? Have you ever fallen victim to one of these fads?

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