Up and At 'Em! Tips for a Successful Morning Routine

by Melissa
Back to school means back to routines and busy mornings! Read on for some tips on setting yourself and your family up for success each day.

Have a Checklist

Have a checklist for each family member of the things they will need every day. For kids, this could be a calculator, a cold lunch, and homework, and for adults it could be things like your phone, wallet and lunch. Add whatever is easy to forget and go through the list right before you walk out the door.

Eat a Good Breakfast

Preparing food at the beginning of the week for breakfast is an easy way to ensure healthy breakfasts for all each day. Muffin Tin Eggs with a side of fruit make for a great start to the day.

Set Your Clothes Out

Set your clothes out the night before. This is one less decision you'll have to make in the morning, allowing you to save your brain power for the important decisions. If you're planning on a morning work out, make sure to have everything set up so you can get up and go!

Wake Up at the Same Time Every Day

You heard me. EVERY DAY. This means setting an alarm each night and avoiding the snooze button. It will be hard at first, but the more you avoid the snooze button, the easier gets. 

Have Something To Look Forward To

Set your coffee pot the night before so you wake up to the smell of fresh brewed coffee. If coffee isn't your thing, maybe get up a little earlier to meditate or practice yoga. Whatever it is that feels a little indulgent, make time for it in the morning to get your day started off on the right foot.

What are some of your tips for a smooth morning routine? 

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