I am not a morning person. I seem to come alive after 9:00pm. In fact, I think I would do really well on the third shift. However, that is not how my actual world functions – I have to be up early and be at work on time. Part of the reason I’m not a morning person is because I’m a horrible sleeper. So when I finally do fall asleep and need to wake up seemingly only a few hours later, I’m not happy. Anyone else in this camp? This is how I feel on the inside, especially on Monday mornings.
There are a few tricks that I’ve been employing to make mornings a little easier on myself:
Pack the night before. If I need to bring something to work, I’ll put it in the car the night before. I pack my tote bag with whatever I need and put it by the garage door so I can grab it and go.
Plan what I’m going to wear the night before. This helps out so much. I’ll put everything out in our guest room that I’m going to wear the next day (clothes, socks, shoes, jewelry – everything) so there’s no question. At one point, I was doing this on a Sunday night for the entire week. It was glorious but a little too much work so I stuck with just the night before.
Preparing meals. I eat breakfast and lunch at work so I’ll make sure to put the food that I’m going to take to work in the front of the fridge, huddled together, making it easier to quickly get out of the house.
I also multi-task all morning. I’m talking brushing my teeth and letting the dog out at the same time, drying my hair while reading the news on TheSkimm (thank you Coach Megan for that tip!). And yes, it helps a lot that the rest of the family is out the door before me.
What other tips do you have to make your morning easier so that you start your day off on the right foot?