Stay Sane Through the Holiday Season

by Megan

As a Health Promotion Coach I get to meet with a lot of different people. However, most of them have the same concern come winter months - how to stay healthy during the busy holiday season. Here are some ideas that I have heard from others or that I have used myself. 

  • Aim for at least 3 days a week of exercise: Whether you’re new to exercise or you have been working out 6 days a week for the past 20 years you are bound to have some time constraints in November and December but make a promise to yourself to commit to 3 days. Don’t have time for your normal 45 minute walk? Break it up into three 15 minute bouts before work, at lunch, and after work. Still have some shopping to do? Clip on your pedometer and get walking. The exercise should help relieve stress and give you more energy to wrap those presents!
  • Check in with yourself once a week: I don’t recommend trying to lose weight during this time of year but I do encourage maintaining your weight (within a pound or so) so however you keep track, whether it’s stepping on the scale or trying on that unforgiving pair of pants, do it once a week.
  • Carve out some quiet time: I come from a large extended family that I love dearly but they can be a little much for me after several days. Instead of getting crabby and draining all my energy, I make sure to take a few minutes and spend time alone. That alone time may be during exercise or, in a pinch, it may be locking myself in the bathroom for a few minutes, both work
  • Focus on the bigger picture: when met with a “crisis” ask yourself if it’s really going to matter a year from now. If so address the concern but if it’s just a minor irritant, ignore it.  Is it worth the potential fight to remind your daughter that she really needs to work on her fruit arranging skills (actual experience)? Will it matter next year if, despite three reminders, your brother-in-law still didn’t use a coaster while watching the game? Probably not (or if it is just make sure to have the gathering at their house next year!).

There you have it - easy tips for your holiday season.Keep calm and pass the eggnog!

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