Spring Break Link Roundup

by Megan

Spring is just around the corner (knock on wood!) and for many individuals that means spring break is coming up. Whether you’re going with family, a significant other, or college friends I’m sure you’ll have a blast. I, unfortunately, won’t be going anywhere warmer than my patio for spring, but in Wisconsin that could mean 70 degrees…or 20 degrees with snow. Sigh. Anyways, here are some tips for the lucky ones planning a departure:


  • Know your destination and any travel warnings that come along with it. Click here for more info from the U.S. Department of State.
  • Check in with your health department and see if there are any vaccinations your party will need to get. The CDC recommends doing this research 6-8 weeks before you leave.
  • My hope is that you would stay 100% healthy on your spring break, however, always plan for the worse and review these resources from the CDC. They have information to help you prevent illness as well as tips for those who do get sick on vacation.
  • Can’t remember what can be packed in your carry-on? Visit the TSA page and plan accordingly, the last thing you need at a busy airport is to scrambling around and rearranging your luggage at the last minute.

Another thing I must address is the frantic, excessive exercise and crash dieting I see the week before spring breaks. If you want to lose weight for a beach destination, please give yourself proper time to do so. Please don’t attempt to lose 10 pounds the week before you leave. It’s probably not going to happen and if it does I can almost guarantee it wasn’t healthy and isn’t going to last. Focus on eating fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and the better fats while reducing the amount of processed food and sugar in your diet. That, coupled with regular physical activity, should produce a strong and healthy body you can feel confident in.

Alright, I’m off to my vacation (patio) with sunscreen, a chaise lounge, and snow pants! Do you have plans for spring break? Are there certain things you make sure to do before a trip? Happy and safe travels everyone!

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