Well, it’s been a few months since New Year’s Day…how many of you have kept your resolutions? I woke up last week with a bug that left me feeling sick and tired, so I was already failing my intentions to sneak in a few minutes of exercise! So while I was disappointed with that I decided I felt good enough to still fit in another habit in the early morning hours that would help me set a positive tone for the day: meditation.
I have stuck with listening to a guided meditation for every day since January 2nd and I’m really enjoying it. I wake up before anyone else, I turn on the coffee pot and I listen to a random selection from an app on my phone. I’m using “Meditation Studio”, I think it was $2.99 and I get lots of new meditations every few days, I fully recommend it. And that’s all I have to do: sit for 5-10 minutes and I feel so much more prepared to take on the day. It relaxes me and also energizes me which I realize seems strange, but that’s the only way I can describe it. And I’m just basically listening to some people telling me to breathe, focus, and stay present, there isn’t any chanting or yoga involved.
This isn’t to say there is anything wrong with chanting or yoga; it’s just not what I’m doing right now. I chose the route of using an app and a guided meditation because it seemed less intimidating for a newbie like me. I hope that makes sense and I’m not offending anyone. So anyway, if anyone is looking for a quiet start to their day that’s what I recommend- you can do it even if you’re not feeling well and it only takes a few minutes. I literally cannot even come up with an excuse as to why I can’t do this, and believe me; I can come up with a lot of excuses to get out of other things! What positive habit have you created lately?