Creating your New Year Resolutions

by Megan

With New Year’s just around the corner it got me thinking about resolutions. What goals did I want to set for myself for 2018? There is nothing wrong with setting goals any time of the year but I think many people almost enjoy thinking of January 1st as a clean slate, the perfect opportunity to evaluate the previous year and determine what is working for them and what they’d like to change. I’m sure the parties, cookies, drinks and money spent on presents also leaves many feeling somewhat gluttonous in many ways and ready for a fresh start. If you aren’t sure yet what you’d like to do differently for the upcoming year or are just looking for assistance in setting your goals here are a few suggestions:

Add something in to your life. Instead of planning around removing something (no more cookies, no more chocolate) what can you add in that will make you feel better?

o   I will make sure to eat three servings of vegetables every day

o   I will try to meditate/pray/journal daily for 5 minutes

o   I will add in a date night once a month with my significant other

Think about your “why”. Why do you want to make this change? What impact will it have on your life? Although getting up before work to exercise is a great goal to set, let’s all agree that some mornings it will be tough to tear yourself out of bed- you need to have a good reason to do this and remind yourself often.

Build a team. Who can offer you support, motivation or accountability when you’re struggling with keeping your resolution? Sometimes it’s a family member, or a friend, or it can be a sister who lives three hours away (as long as you can text or call!)- just pick someone you can tell and who you can be honest with.

Plan to check in with yourself. How often do you need to evaluate your progress and possibly change your strategy?

So, what are your plans for your 2018 resolutions? What has helped you succeed in the past?


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