I recently had to opportunity to attend a training class. In the class I took, one of the exercises that we did was to think of one thing that you liked about yourself. I was shocked that I found it so difficult to find one, just ONE thing to say positive about myself.
This activity got me thinking. I started monitoring my thoughts, and realized that most of the thoughts that run through my head each day about myself tend to be negative! Why is that? We are usually our toughest critics, and it seems like the best way to overcome this is to alter your thinking by monitoring your thoughts, and shutting down the negative self talk.
A few weeks after this training, I came across this article from Psychology Today, about how to make yourself feel better. I read it, and truly believe the exercise is worth trying. The article is aimed more so at someone battling depression, but it can pertain to anyone who just wants to feel better about themselves.
The exercise in the article is simple. Every night before bed, write down three things that you like about yourself. It does not have to be anything huge, it can be as simple as writing “I like that I accomplished all of my tasks today”. The article recommends trying this exercise everyday for 30 days.
Everyone can benefit from this! Even if you are a generally happy and easy going person, this exercise should be easy to accomplish. Good luck and happy Journaling.