Weight Gain in the Workplace

by Megan

It seems that everyone knows about the “Freshman 15”, referring to the weight gain that all too often college freshmen experience. With all of that newfound freedom, college students often exercise their independence in the college cafeteria, loading up on ice cream, hamburgers and everything their parents told them not to. 

However, college isn’t the only place that is having an effect on our waistlines.  These days, the workplace is having a sizable effect on American weight gain as well.  In fact, 50% of women and 42% of men claim they have put on weight during the course of their current job. 

The source of the weight gain almost always goes back to our diets.  In a recent survey, 38% of employees say that they eat out at least twice a week.  The temptation of greasy fast-food is often much stronger when you haven’t packed your own lunch.  Perhaps even worse, 12% of employees admitted to getting their lunch from the vending machine at least once in the past week.

Compounding this, many employees find it difficult to make time for exercise and the gym.  Only 9% of employees make it to the gym during the course of the workweek. However, even if you can’t make it to the gym on your lunch hour, there are a few ways to avoid workplace weight gain.

Eat breakfast. This is your most important meal of the day and can help keep you energized until lunch.  Breakfast will help calm those cravings to go check out the company vending machine and can even help boost your mood throughout the day.  Here’s a few more reasons why breakfast is so important!

Keep water at hand. Did you know that thirst and hunger are connected?  In fact, the next time you feel the need to grab a snack, try having a glass of water first.  That urge to snack may actually be your body telling you that you’re dehydrated.  Keep a glass or bottle of water at hand to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Write it down.  A food journal can be a great reality check – when we snack throughout the day, it is easy to lose track of how many calories we are really taking in. If you write down every snack and meal, you can identify where you tend to overindulge.

Keep moving. Even if you can’t make it to the gym everyday, there are ways to integrate more physical activity into your daily routine at work. Instead of e-mailing a colleague, walk over to their desk or office. Park at the back of the company parking lot for a few extra steps each day. Go for a walk during your lunch hour.  There are countless ways to stay active, even at a desk job!

Stress less.  In today’s work environment, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and overstressed. And when stress takes over, people tend to reach for a snack, even if they’re not hungry. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and burn calories at the same time.  WebMD has a few suggestions on other ways to relieve stress as well.

Do you have any suggestions on how to handle workplace weight gain?


Source: http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/worklife/06/30/cb.weight.gain/index.html

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