The World’s Healthiest Foods: Website Review

by Megan

Let’s talk food. You know the stuff you (hopefully) eat every day? I enjoy foods that taste good but I’d also prefer if they were good for me as well (most of the time… mac ‘n cheese, I’m talking to you). So I try to cook with foods that are high in nutrients. When I browse the web for interesting recipes I often find some cool sites. One site I found a while ago was one called The World’s Healthiest Foods. The site contains a list of 127 food items that they have selected as the healthiest foods based on their criteria listed below.

World’s healthiest foods:

  • Are nutrient dense
  • Are whole foods
  • Are familiar foods
  • Are readily available
  • Are affordable
  • Tastes good - I know some people may disagree with a few of the choices!

If a food you eat isn’t on the list, that doesn’t necessarily make it a terrible choice but maybe it’s something you should eat in moderation. Not only does the website list foods, it also contains some great information on them and recipes using those foods. For instance, I was eating broccoli just the other day at lunch and wondered “Why is broccoli so good for me” (am I a nerd? Maybe), but lo and behold, I had a wealth of information at my fingertips by selecting broccoli from the food list. I never knew that we have Italy to thank for this vegetable! And then I created a recipe by selecting what foods I had on hand using their recipe assistant.

So check out the site and learn some new info about what you’re putting into your body. Have you stumbled upon any interesting food or recipe sites?

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