As a health promotion coach and a runner I have a dirty secret…I don’t always stretch after I exercise. Phew, feels good to get that out. It’s just something I always put off and then when I do actually stretch for a few minutes, I always tell myself I’m going to stretch more but that never happens. It’s an endless cycle. However, now I really have to. My right hamstring has really been hurting for the past three days. On Sunday I did some sprints and felt fine during, but not so much afterwards. I’ll ease up, ice my leg and give it some rest for now but I will start stretching after every run.
Here are a few of my favorite stretches. Try holding the stretches for 10-30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.
Sit and Reach
Sit on the floor with both legs out and extend your arms forward by bending at your waist.
Wall stretch
I really love this stretch, probably because I get to lay there and relax! Lie on the floor next to the corner of a wall or door. Raise one leg up against the wall with a slight bend at the knee. Your other leg will be down on the floor. Straighten until you feel a stretch and hold. Repeat with your other leg.
Hip flexor stretch
From a standing position, step one foot out and bend into a lunge (front thigh parallel to the ground). Gently push your hips forward until you feel a stretch. Repeat on opposite leg.
Quad stretch
While standing, grab one foot with the same hand and find your balance on the opposite foot (or grab a table or chair nearby). Slowly pull your heel towards your butt until you feel a stretch and hold. Switch legs and repeat on the other side.
Calf stretch
Start down on your hands and knees, raise your butt up towards the ceiling as if you were about to do the downward dog yoga pose. Bend one leg while straightening the opposite leg and gently push that heel towards the floor until you feel a stretch. Hold and switch legs.
Then end with my favorite stretch of all: lay down on the floor, arms on the floor but straightened above your head and legs straight out. Take a deep breath and reach your arms and legs out in opposite directions. Aaaahhh. Doesn’t that feel good? Then take a nap if you like - Happy stretching!