I wanted to share one of my favorite on-the-go snacks with you! Gorp is a classic, and the high fiber and protein content make it an energizing and filling snack. It’s great because it’s easy to make and can be made in large batches. There are many different versions of gorp, so you can experiment and make it from the ingredients you like! Here is a favorite of mine:
Yields: 17 servings (1/3 cup)
60 grams each:
Trader Joe chili lime cashews (can substitute other cashews)
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
120 grams each:
Dark chocolate chips or pieces
Fiber One cereal
Measure all the ingredients out on a scale, and mix together. Portion out and enjoy!
Feel free to change things up by substituting or adding ingredients! Here are some ideas: dried cranberries, peanuts, chopped pitted dates, dark chocolate M&M’s, Goldfish pretzels, Kashi Go Lean Crunch Honey Almond Flax cereal, Cheerios and Good Sense Sesame Oat Bran Sticks.
Tip: Keep premeasured baggies in the fridge at home and at work to grab quick when you’re running short on time.
Do you have any other tasty ingredient suggestions? Do you have a favorite gorp recipe of your own? If so, please share!