Don’t you love it when you stumble across something on the internet that you find amazing? That happened to me the other day. I honestly can’t remember what I was trying to find (maybe office stretches), and came across something better – office yoga!
Intrigued, I played the video and followed along (in dress clothes and heels) for the eight minutes it ran. I haven’t done yoga since a shoulder and hip injury, but this was pretty basic and I felt really good after! I encourage you to try it.
I’ve mentioned my favorite beginner yoga DVD before – Rodney Yee’s Yoga for Beginners. Rodney and his yoga partner go through common poses, the common mistakes people make with those poses, and how to overcome those mistakes.
A co-worker has Jillian Michael’s: Yoga Meltdown. For those familiar with Jillian, you know she’s… intense. This is not one of those “relaxing”, spa-music-in-the-background kind of yoga sessions. It’s pretty fast pace and she sort of yells everything at you. But it’s still a good yoga workout, nonetheless. You can check it out on YouTube.
Do you do yoga? If so, what kind and how often? Any DVDs that you love? Please share!