My Summer Slow Down

by Sarah
This summer is flying by and starting to heat up! With temperatures in the 80's and 90's and humidity in full force, I have had to change my exercise routine to help myself stay comfortable.

My previous exercise routine was a mixture of moderate-to-fast paced walking, volleyball and body weight exercises to help me keep some variety with my workouts. I have had to slow down my routine this summer, not only due to the heat and humidity, but also because I am in my 8th month of pregnancy!

It has been hard both physically and mentally to tell myself that it's okay to slow down. Lately my routine has changed to 30-60 minutes of light to moderate paced walking per day, and yoga 1-2 times per week. I space out my walking times to 15-30 minute bouts to total the 30-60 minutes per day, and try to walk during the mornings before it gets too warm outside. (My dog, Guinness, has also enjoyed the cooler morning walks!) I've also been trying to stick with some light yoga routines to keep up my strength and flexibility through pregnancy. Yoga and some of the poses have been helpful with relieving general aches and pains. 

All of this depends on how I'm feeling for the day! Each day I do my best to listen to my body and how I am feeling as to not overdo it. For now, my summer slow down will have to do, and I try to keep in mind that this is only temporary. 

Is there anything in your life that makes you settle for a "workout slow down" such as an injury, illness, surgery, etc? Listening to your body is the biggest piece of the puzzle! Even if you have something going on that makes you slow down, think about what exercises you CAN do and keep incorporating them into your weekly routine. 

Be Well,

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