As I was leaving my house last Friday I was scrambling around trying to find my keys. I checked my pockets, the key holder by the door, the car – they were nowhere to be found! Finally, only after I realized I needed to grab my lunch, I found my keys in the refrigerator!
How on earth did I forget my keys in the fridge?! This isn’t the first time something like this has happened either. Two weeks ago, my cell phone went missing for a few days until I realized I had left it at work under a stack of papers. Fearing that my memory was fleeting I decided to see what I could do to improve my brain power.
If you’re in the same boat as me, here are some new memory tricks I read about from Mayo Clinic:
Keep your brain in shape.
Besides exercising your body you should also train your brain. You know those fun (yet extremely frustrating) Sudoku puzzles? Yep, doing those can help you flex your thinking muscles. Or, if you normally take the same route on your daily jog, try going the route in reverse – you’ll notice things you hadn’t noticed before which will keep your mind stimulated.
Organize your life (or just some parts of it!).
Write down or type everything. I started using my computer calendar at work to make quick notes referring to whom I talked to, what I sent in the mail and tasks that I still needed to complete. Even if you think you’ll remember something jot it down anyway – better safe than sorry!
Stop multitasking.
Although you may think that doing several things at once is saving you time, how many times do you find yourself having to redo everything because things were done haphazardly? Slow down and do one thing at a time. Odds are that the extra focus you are able to devote to each task will ensure things are done right the first time.
If you find that none of these tips help and you think that your memory is continuing to get worse, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about your concerns.
Do you have a hard time forgetting or losing things? What has been the strangest place you have left something?