Do you ever lose something and can't remember where you put it? The other day, I accidentally put the television remote in the refrigerator. Yes, the refrigerator! I must have brought it with me when I went to get a glass of milk and just set it down there. My short term memory seems to have gotten even shorter! Do you remember my previous blog about keeping your mind sharp? If not, you better read some more tips! Here they are:
1. Be consistent with where you put things.Eye drops on your nightstand, keys by the door, umbrella by your coat. Always keep these items in the same place.
2. Use mnemonic devices such as acronyms, rhymes, etc.For example, when looking at your cholesterol numbers, remember that LDL is low or lousy, and is a number that you want to get as low as you can. HDL is Happy or Healthy and is a number that you want to get as high as you can.
3. Utilize electronic reminders. Most cell phones have calendars on them where you can set alarm reminders for specific dates and times. For example you could set up a recurring reminder to take medication at a specific time each day. If you have an e-mail account you most likely have a calendar that has the same functions as well.
Here’s another tip I use quite often. Have you ever been at home and remember something really important you need to take care of at work or vice versa?If so, send yourself an email to your work account. That way you can relax because you know you will have an email reminder come Monday morning when you get to work.
4. Slow down. For example, if your doctor is giving you instructions make sure you understand them.Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor to repeat instructions or talk a little slower. If you don’t leave the conversation with a clear understanding, it’s going to be tough to remember what you are supposed to do later.
Most importantly, remember the importance of taking good care of your body with proper nutrition (including antioxidant-rich foods) and exercise. More and more research is demonstrating that aerobic exercise can actually build new neural connections in your brain!
It took me almost an hour to find the remote! I will have to remember to leave it in the same place every time... maybe the remote caddie since that is what it is there for, right. What do you do to help keep your memory sharp? I'd love hear some ideas so that my remote doesn't end up in the garbage next time!