While online the other day, I came across the most inspiring story! I think it is very relevant with summer coming and all of the obligations that seem to fill up our schedules.
The story begins with a philosophy professor holding an empty mayonnaise jar in front of his class. He then filled it with rocks about 2” in diameter and asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
Then, the professor picked up a box of pebbles and added them to the jar. He shook the jar and the pebbles rolled into the open areas between the rocks. Again, the professor asked the students if the jar was full. They laughed a bit and agreed that this time it was indeed full. Then, the professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. The sand filled the remaining open areas of the jar.
Then the professor said, “Now, I want you to recognize that this jar signifies your life.” He explained that the rocks are the truly important things, such as health, family, and relationships. If all else was lost and only the rocks remained, your life would still be meaningful. The pebbles are the other things that matter in your life, such as work or school. The sand signifies the remaining “small stuff” and material possessions.
If you put sand in the jar first, there is no room for the rocks or pebbles. The bottom line of the story is that if you spend all of your time and energy on the small stuff, you won’t have room for the things that are truly important. Pay attention to the things in life that are critical to your happiness and well-being. Take the time to get medical check-ups, play with your kids, go for a run, or write your grandma a letter. Take care of the rocks first: those are the things that really matter. Set your priorities because the rest is just pebbles and sand.
I encourage you to share your feedback. Can you relate to this story? What are some of the “rocks” in your life? Read the entire “Rocks” story here.