How do you spend your free time? I can be found spending my free time in any one of the following ways:
- Online (including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, celebrity gossip)
- Watching TV (Downton Abby, The Good Wife, The Mindy Project)
- Standing with the refrigerator/pantry door open, wondering why we have nothing good to eat.
Later, I can be found rushing around, wondering why I’m always behind on things that have to get done:
- Laundry
- Food prep
- Exercise
- Cleaning
- Balancing the checkbook/paying bills
Why do I do this to myself? I stress myself out on a nightly basis. I could manage stress better by learning to spend my free time a bit more wisely in the following way:
- Go to the gym right from work. Do not pass go, collect $200 if I can along the way, but head straight there.
- Plan meals for the week on Saturday or Sunday
- Prep what I can for dinner the night before
- Balance the checkbook the same day I receive an email that there has been activity
- Start laundry earlier on the weekend
- Delegate cleaning responsibilities
It’s about how you spend your free time. For me, I really could eliminate most or all of the online activity and standing in front of all of the food we have, wondering why there is nothing good to eat. How do you spend your free time? Can you reprioritize any activities in order to make your life a little easier in the end?
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