Do You Have 7 Minutes?

by Sarah

Finding time for some extra physical activity can be a challenge. As life gets busy with work, family activities, holiday gatherings and many other obligations, it may be a challenge to find time in your day for some physical activity. Getting up and moving can help with productivity and focus as well as our overall health and wellness.

As I was thinking of ways to get a little more physical activity in my day, I began to look for an exercise app that I could do right from home that would be quick and easy to do while on my lunch break or even while I was cooking dinner.

When searching, I found an app called the 7 Minute Workout by Johnson & Johnson. This FREE app provides a variety of 7 minute workouts, a Smart Workout that adjusts to your fitness level, and a workout library. It can help keep variety in your workouts, and is designed with your current fitness level in mind. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced athlete, this app is sure to challenge you. Another advantage to this workout app is that many of these exercises are bodyweight exercises so no equipment is needed except maybe a stable chair or bench for a few of the movements. All you need are workout clothes, some space, and the app!

Now it’s time to find your 7 minutes! 

Be Well,



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