While I usually prepare for cold season later in the year, I already caught a cold last week! It started innocently enough with just a sore throat but quickly developed into a fever, body aches and congestion. I couldn’t even exercise for a whole week!
I rarely go more than three days without exercising, but last week my body couldn’t tolerate any extra activity. Because this is my favorite season though I want to make sure I can enjoy all that autumn has to offer – so I need to get better and fast! While there is no cure for the common cold there are a few things you can do to make it easier for your body to fight it:
Get some rest. Put all your other activities on the back burner and get as much sleep as you can. This may seem like the most obvious piece of advice but probably the hardest for people to accept- your chores will wait, get to bed!
Drink up. Water, soup, tea, and juices are all good choices for preventing dehydration which will help your body run more efficiently (it will also help loosen the mucus as well!). However, not all liquid is created equal – alcohol should be avoided when you aren’t feeling well.
Pass the salt! If you have a sore throat like I did, gargle with a salt and warm water mixture a few times throughout the day until your throat feels better.
Wash your hands! Just like mom used to tell you, scrub those hands well and often. Every time you touch your mouth or nose you should wash off those germs. Also, when you cough remember to cough into your elbow or sleeve because covering your mouth with your hands will only help spread germs to whatever you touch afterwards.
Stay home. Even if you have a lot to do at work or school, bringing your cold with you will only make things worse. You won’t be as productive, you won’t be giving your body the rest it needs to heal itself, and you may end up spreading your germs to coworkers which results in even more lost productivity.
Hopefully these tips will help you feel better- I know I’m already feeling more like my normal self! If you would like more information and tips on the cold, here are two great websites: