Here are 4 tips for better mental health:
1.Stay Active
Regular physical activity boosts your self-esteem and keeps your brain healthy. Even one session of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity can reduce feelings of anxiety. Staying active consistently can also reduce your risk of depression and help you sleep better.

2. Well-Balanced Nutrition
Having well-balanced nutrition is good for your body, but it also allows your brain to get the nutrients it needs to function well. Fueling your body and brain with proper nutrients can help you feel more energized and ready to conquer the day!

3. Drink Sensibly
Using alcohol is not an effective way to manage difficult or stressful feelings. Avoid using alcohol to cope with mental health struggles and if you do drink alcohol, do it in moderation. (2 drinks or less in a day for men; 1 drink or less in a day for women) Limiting caffeinated beverages may also help keep feelings of anxiety lower. Do your best to stay well-hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day.

4. Keep in Touch
Keeping lines of communication open with friends, family, and your primary physician is good for your mental health. Talk with those you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling. Also, stay connected with the community or faith-based groups, which can help you stay more social and give you a sense of purpose.

Taking care of YOU by practicing healthy ways to manage your mental health is vital for your overall health and wellness. Try to incorporate these tips into your daily routine to improve your mental well-being!
Be Well,
Written by: Coach Sarah